History Research Guide


When you have written your last word, it is time to put on the finishing touches. Make sure your paper or thesis looks neat and that everything is traceable.

Layout and graphic design is a matter of taste, but there are a few key requirements any text you hand in has to meet:

  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial 12 pt., double spaced
    (Note: Double spacing leaves your teacher room to make comments).
  • Page setup: paper size A4, printed either single-sided or double-sided. Left and right margin approx. 3 cm (1.25“), top and bottom margin approx. 2.5 cm (1”)
  • Your title page must include:
    • headline-capitalized title and, if applicable, subtitle, separated by a colon
    • your name and student number
    • your home address and email address
    • type of thesis or paper and for which class (include course number)
    • submission date
    • name of your teacher
    • number of words
    • page numbers
    • division into chapters and/or sections
    • table of contents (for theses only)