History Research Guide

Other Sources

Note, full citation:

Sigmund Freud, “The Interpretation of Dreams I (1900),” in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, vol. 4 (London: Hogarth Press, 1953), 325-326. Trans. James Strachey, Anna Freud, Alix Strachey, and Alan Tyson.

Note, shortened citation:

Freud, “Interpretation of Dreams,” 327.

In Bibliography:

Freud, Sigmund. “The Interpretation of Dreams I (1900).” In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, vol. 4. London: Hogarth Press, 1953, 320-370. Trans. from the German by James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud, assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson.

Reference to a plenary debate, full citation:

Verslag der handelingen van de Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal (hereafter: HTK) [Parliamentary Proceedings, House of Representatives], 1952-1953, 3529.

Verslag der handelingen van de Eerste Kamer der Staten Generaal (hereafter: HEK) [Parliamentary Proceedings, Senate], 1952-1953, 1256.

Reference to a plenary debate, shortened citation:

HTK 1955-1956, 3524. (Or HEK 1952-1953, 1256).

Reference to a debate on draft legislation, full citation:

HTK 1953-1954, Bijl. A, 3200-VI Rijksbegroting, nr. 13, Memorie van Antwoord (hereafter: MvA) [App. A, 3200-VI State Budget, No. 13, Memorandum of Response] 31.

Reference to a debate on draft legislation, shortened citation:

HTK 1953-1954, Bijl. A, 3200-VI Rijksbegroting, nr. 13, MvA, 33.


  • You could also include where you found these records (e.g. www.statengeneraaldigitaal.nl), but if you have downloaded PDFs, you have actually used a printed (or printable) version and there is no need to include the URL.
  • Parliamentary proceedings are an exceptionally rich source, particularly because there are so many appendices to draft laws supplying in-depth treatises on key social issues.
  • Most foreign parliaments also publish their proceedings. For example, Food Security Act of 1985, HR 2100, 99th Cong., 1st sess., Congressional Record 131, pt. 19: 26641. (note) or Food Security Act of 1985. HR 2100. 99th Cong., 1st sess., Congressional Record 131, pt. 19: 26581-26655. (bibliographic entry).

Note, full citation:

Jacco Pekelder, “Het klapwieken van den pruisischen arend boven onze hoofden. Bismarck, Pruisen en Nederland in de Nederlandse publicistiek, 1862-1871” [The Prussian Eagle Flaps Its Wings Overhead: Bismarck, Prussia and the Netherlands in Dutch Journalism], (Master’s thesis in the History of International Relations, Utrecht University, 1992), 27.

Note, shortened citation:

Pekelder, “Klapwieken,” 27.

In Bibliography:

Pekelder, Jacco. “Het klapwieken van den pruisischen arend boven onze hoofden. Bismarck, Pruisen en Nederland in de Nederlandse publicistiek, 1862-1871” [The Prussian Eagle Flaps Its Wings Overhead: Bismarck, Prussia and the Netherlands in Dutch Journalism]. Master’s thesis in the History of International Relations, Utrecht University, 1992.

No place:

Tienjarig bestaan der Congregatie van de Eerwaarde Zusters Ursulinen te Bergen N.H. Korte geschiedenis dezer Congregatie en prospectussen (n.p., 1908), 7.

No date:

Visser-Roosendael, De lage hoek(Haarlem: n.p., n.d.), 18.

When the place of publication or the publisher is not identified, use ‘n.p.’ in a note (‘N.p.’ in the bibliography) instead. When the date of publication is not known, substitute ‘n.d.’ and ‘N.d.’ in the note and the bibliography respectively.